The purpose of this activity is to give 4-H’ers the opportunity and experience to learn about the care of chickens and to raise baby chicks for layers or broilers. 4-H’ers broilers. 4-H’ers can have fun taking care of their chickens, and other family members will enjoy the good tasting and nutritious food they produce. This activity will help each 4-H’er to develop poultry management skills, produce healthy chickens, develop an awareness for business management through keeping records of costs and income, contribute to your home food supply, and to realize the pride of accomplishment they have achieved. The 4-H’ers responsibility is also to feed, water, and care for their birds daily. Housing for chickens does not need to be elaborate or expensive. The purpose of a house is to protect the birds from the wind, rain, temperature extremes, wild birds, and predators. It is important that the birds be comfortable while in your care.