Jackson County FCE Creed
To maintain the highest ideals of home life; our children are the most important of crops. We are to guide them so that their bodies may be sound, their minds clear, their spirits happy and their characters generous.
To place service above comfort, to let loyalty to high purposes silence discordant notes, to let neighborliness supplant hatred, to be discouraged never.
To lose self in generous enthusiasm, to extend to the less fortunate a helping hand; to believe one’s community may become the best of communities and to co-operate with others for the common end of a more abundant home and community life. This is the ideal the Extension Service offers to the homemaker of today.
Mission Statement
The mission of the National Association of Family and Community Education is to strengthen individuals and families through continuing education; leadership development; and community service. In cooperation with the Extension Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and the State Land Grant Universities, NAFCE provides leadership for issues that are critical to the economic, social and environmental progress of Americans.
Statement of Policy
All Family and Community Education Clubs and events are open to all eligible persons without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or veteran status.
Rebekah Melton
FCS Agent and Advisor
Phone: (931) 268-9437
Email: tmelton9@utk.edu
Club Meetings – Second Monday of every month
Location: Richmond Chapel Church Of Christ
Time: 10:00 A.M.
Contact: Cherry Ramsey (President) or Rebekah Melton (Agent)